Community Management, Remote Work, Tech

In Solid: You Matter As You

Photo by Dan on Unsplash
Photo by Dan on Unsplash

Entering the tech space was exciting and scary in the same breath. I saw intricacy in the implementations and products my company (and community) conceptualized daily, it was inspiring. How can you not admire all the moving parts and the time people invest in creating unique resolutions for the web? My only question was, how do I fit into this community? I kept feeling like I am not “technical,” and I don’t understand code, so can I even help. Perhaps you or someone close to you has felt this way. 

I notice there’s always a conversation about technical and non-technical. Using the term technical creates an instant separation between developers/engineers and all other roles. While it’s likely not the intention to use the word in that way, those with new, fresh ideas willing to join the community can feel isolated. As I approach one year as a core member of the Solid Community, it has been an honor to see how the community has grown and elevated. Over the last few months, I’ve been able to reflect on all the people who could join this space to expand the community and what the future of Solid entails outside of traditional engineering and developer roles. Here are some roles that our community can use right now.

UX/UI Designers

Alrighty, so you’re a user experience (UX) or user interface (UI) designer. You’re so vital to helping build Solid. Why, may you ask? You see applications and software from a different lens. You create an experience that invites and welcomes people into a new and innovative space. It opens the door for everyday people to see the ease in what Solid does while also giving them their data back.


If you’re not communicating, there’s an issue, and we need all of it in a new community. Whether it’s a start-up, organization, or an individual building on Solid, they may need someone to help them with their communications. There are so many avenues to help, like drafting social promotion, creating a communication strategy, or email marketing. Also, as a collective, the more we work on getting the message out of the promise of Solid, the more we grow our community.

Graphic Designers

Who’s going to design the promotions, infographics, or additional content? Well, no other than the graphic designer. You have the capability of turning people’s ideas into something visual. We need that more than ever to share what our community is all about outside of Solid. To me, that’s pretty cool. 

Copy Writers

Copywriting guides serve as the daily lifeline for our developers and engineers. Are you a wiz at copywriting? We need you in the community. Solid has so many people building and implementing all day, every day; it’s astounding. Copywriters can clarify and simplify the information for everyday people or the most seasoned engineer, all in the same text. 

Software Testers

Alrighty, each day, a new application or software pops up in Solid. That’s pretty exciting, but if there aren’t enough people testing out the software to help point out bugs or provide feedback, many of these applications and software can’t reach their full potential. 

Honestly, we want you!

No matter who you are, we welcome you to check out our community. Even though I mentioned a few roles, I think it’s safe to say these aren’t the only opportunities around. So, you want to join the movement and curious how? Here are two ways you can get involved. One way is to submit a post to the Solid Forum explaining your area expertise, whether you’re looking for a full-time or volunteer opportunity, and interests. Another way is to reach out to The Solid Project at, and the Solid Team can help you join the community.

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