Life, Self-Care, Yoga & Meditation
How are you? Really.

I wonder how many of us are managing our mental, emotional, and physical health while working? This can be an uncomfortable question, right? And I want us to start thinking about this because many of us are balancing between working, parenting, paying bills, running errands, exercising, fulfilling dreams, making a voice for ourselves, and dating, being single, or in a relationship(s). It can be a lot. And I want you to know I hear and see you. In addition to my community and communications role, I am also an eight-year Hatha Yoga Instructor who focuses on trauma yoga. And throughout the years, I saw how work affected people’s overall health. Knowing that, I’ve been guilty in the past of saying, “one day I’ll get help”, “I have to prove myself at work”, or “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” And some of you might be thinking you’ve said the same thing. That’s okay if you have, but it’s time we put our health first. We, as humans, deserve to take care of our minds, emotions (souls if you believe in that), and bodies. The last thing we want to do is burn out and get stuck in an unhealthy work dynamic. So, I want to share a few ways you can begin putting your overall health first and continue to thrive and enjoy your job.
- Check-in. It’s time to check in with yourself. Right now. I want you to take 5 deep breathe through your nose out through your mouth. Bring yourself back to your present self. Pay attention to your thoughts and body’s movements. Do you start thinking of all the things you need to do or start feeling the tension in your hands, neck, or back? This is a symptom of pushing yourself past your boundary. It might be time for a break or vacation. Try to reflect at the end of the week and each month.
- Mental Health days are real. Take mental health days. If you wake up and you’re not feeling like yourself, share that with your boss and call for a mental health day. Make sure your company offers Mental Health days. It’s like a paid time off (PTO) day. Double check with your boss or HR department on how many you are given each year. If your company doesn’t have them, suggest this resource to them on getting started.
- Honesty is the best policy. Be open and honest with your supervisor or manager. They won’t know you’re suffering if you don’t tell them. Like us they are not mind readers, especially if you’re remote. Whether it’s a health concern or you’re feeling depleted let them know. The two of you can start figuring out what your boundaries are and how to work together for you to feel comfortable and supported. You also don’t have to tell them everything. Only disclose what you feel comfortable sharing.
- Asking for help shows strength! Honesty is great but what if I look weak? You are far from less than or weak if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Every single human feels it. Like we mentioned earlier, we are more than our role. We are parents, friends, caretakers, and people who like to live life. So it’s okay if balancing it all gets a little too crazy to handle. It takes so much courage to ask for help and someone might see you ask and grow the strength to do it too.
- Invite space to breathe. Take breaks throughout the day, the week, and the months. Take vacations, even if it’s a staycation that’s rest too! When you take daily breaks. Think of what will help you unwind for 10-45 mins whether it’s scrolling on Instagram (make sure you set a timer), doing handstands, or taking a walk. Make sure you have moments for yourself throughout work.
- Detach PLEASE. Create a time when you step away from work. HIDE THAT LAPTOP. Or sign out of all the work apps on your phone. Maybe you work at home in a room, shut that door when it’s clocking out time. I know this sounds extreme but hey sometimes we need to learn how to separate work and life. If you have weekends off, really embrace your weekend as “you” time.
- GIVE YOURSELF GRACE! You are a rockstar, existing on this planet takes so much work. So if eating, doing what’s asked of you, and staying hydrated is what you can do for the day, in my book that’s a win!
I wrote this for you and for myself as a reminder that we need rest, honesty, and grace! We can be humans and have good/bad days. Let’s be kind to our bodies, listen to what we need, and let’s start working on normalizing that humans get sick, need mental health days, and need breaks. If you do something else to help yourself, share in the comment I really want to hear. Have a beautiful day.
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